Monday, June 1, 2009

On the brink of World War III-a nuclear one

Nuclear war is the type of thing that you always picture as not happening. Well, it could happen very soon.

North Korea recently broke several treaties and tested nuclear weapons. They have the capability to hit South Korea. North Korea has said that they will attack if someone attempts to intercept the ships carrying the weapons-through international waters.

However, the UN and the US have not done anything. The Obama administration has said that there would be "severe consequences", but has not shown that. The UN 'officially disapproves' of it, but that is just a little slap on the wrist.

As we all know too well, a nuclear war would destroy the world. Even if it was just between two small countries, such as the Koreas, soon, because of treaties, the whole world would be taking sides.

In Iraq, no one really knew of the existence, or nonexistence, of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs). In North Korea, WMDs have been found, been announced, and been tested.

Kim Jong-Il, the dictator of N. Korea, is a madman. Luckily, he is near death, but he probably has a successor. Some people believe that he realizes that a nuclear war would destroy the earth, and so will not cause one. Other people believe that he realizes it, but doesn't care.

Express your thoughts. After all, this is a global crisis.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

H1N1 FLU...DUH DUH DUH!!!!!!

The WHO raised the status of the swine flu to 4 out of 6. 6 would be a pandemic, 4 is contagious. It has caused almost 150 deaths in Mexico but none anywhere else. The CDC does not know what spreads it. For the US during the 90's, 36,000 people died every year from influenza or related illnesses. What do you think?

Da Colemanator

Friday, April 10, 2009

Letting Go

For a while my dog, Penny, has had a limp in her front left leg. She showed no signs of pain. Yesterday, while my parents were giving her a bath, she started howling in pain. My dad had to carry her (she is a big dog, a bullmastiff). Later that day, she got up suddenly and howled again. The next day, my parents to her to the vet. As it turns out, she has bone cancer and her shoulder is fractured. We have to put her to sleep and we're leaving to say goodbye now. I have never cared for anyone as much as her. Yes, she is a someone, not a something. I have never felt this sad before my entire life.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Is Obama doing the right thing?

Here is a shocking video of how the federal bailouts have devalued our currency. Bush started them, but Obama has taken them to a whole new level. Scroll down to the link entitled Inconvenient Debt. I don't know how to make hyperlinks.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Problem with Sports

Today I watched Virginia Tech play #1 North Carolina in the ACC tournament in college basketball. VT lost 79-76 after missing a 3-pointer to send the game into overtime. This was the Hokies last chance to make the NCAA tournament and will now probably play in the NIT. This is one of the most disapointing things about sports, for both players and fans. When your team gets so close but then falls just short, well, you probably know the feeling. Even for me, not the world's biggest basketball fan, It really hurts.
But then again, what about the times when your team is the one that pulls out the win? In the Virginia Tech-Georgia Tech football game last season, the Hokies held on and won 20-17. When the Falcons played Tampa Bay for the final timee last season, it was 10-7 Atlanta when the Falcons' punt was blocked and TB had the ball inside the 20. Then John Abraham sacked them and the Bucaneers had to settle with tying it. The Bucs moved the ball up the field, John Abraham had another big sack, then the Falcons drove down the field, scored a field goal, and won the game.
Anything can happen. Sports are like life. They both have ups and downs, good seasons and bad seasons. My older sister recently didn't get the job she was really wanting to get and remains unemployed. But in the end, everything always works out. Whether the next year your team has huge season and wins the national championship, or if you don't get the job you want but then later get one you like even more, no matter what, everything always works out. I personally believe that is God making good out of everything. God is a touchy subject, but I believe in him and I am a Catholic who will never turn away from God. So you could say that I'm the biggest capitalist, the biggest economist, the biggest Virginia Tech fan, the biggest Republican, and the biggest Catholic at Northwestern.
Even for those of you who do not follow news, pay attention to the economy, want to go to Virginia Tech, have Republicans views, believe in God, or watch sports, sports can teach a lesson. And that lesson is: life is not perfect. You will have good days and bad days. Sometimes you will just to lie down and cry yourself to sleep. Other times, you will laugh till you choke. Other times, you will want to just scream. Other times, you will be so happy that you might just hug a stranger in your joy. So, if you are sometimes on the verge of tears, relax. Everything will be alright.